Sunday, January 17, 2010

Team Coco

So I've been quite invested in this Tonight Show controversy. I've been watching Conan O'Brien for the majority of my life. It's always been comforting to know that after a hard day I can end it with a smile, because of him.

Even before all this I've wanted to design a Conan O'Brien shirt. Now seems like the perfect time. I want a shirt to support for the man, but I haven't really been into any of the ones I've seen floating around right now. Here goes my offering...

Working on getting it printed.

Anyway, laters. More art to come.


1 comment:

Tom Vidal said...

I've been following this ordeal as well and it's sad to see what's happening. I am Team Coco all the way...might even print a t-shirt about it. LOL